Thursday, April 14, 2016

Studio Fox officially announced the sequel of "Deadpool"


We are waiting for continuation of the story about a very eccentric superhero Deadpool, with whom the audience could meet in the first part of the film "Deadpool" (2016).

Without waiting for the results of the movie rental "Deadpool," based on the Marvel comic book series of popular, film studio 20th Century Fox has launched the creation of the first continuation "Deadpool 2". This is with reference to its sources said the publication The Hollywood Reporter.
It is alleged that the writers of the original painting Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick are already fully immersed in work. When their titanic work to be completed, it is not specified. Also it is not known whether the return to the director's chair director of "Deadpool" Tim Miller. Last not yet discussed with the representatives of the studio conditions of his new contract.
"Deadpool" is released in the world rolled February 12, 2016. Evaluation of pre-sale tickets can count on first-cash charges in the range of $ 60 million, that will be one of the best results among the films dedicated to the heroes of the universe, "X-Men".
Key role in the film played by Morena Baccarin, Ryan Reynolds, Gina Carano, TJ Miller, ed skrein Rachel Shin, Brianna Hildebrand, Stan Lee, Taylor Hickson and other actors.
"Deadpool" is not got rolling license in China since the government censors did not accept the level of violence and number of explicit erotic scenes in the movie.

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